Sunrise Reflection by Kevin Cook

On Saturday, November 16th from 5-7:30 pm, Windham Fine Arts will host the opening reception for “A Step Back in Time” the newest exhibition that recalls the styles and genres of the classical art movements that laid the foundation for contemporary art as we know it. From the rich and evocative colors of the Renaissance and Baroque period to the soft, exploratory lines akin to those of Monet and of course America’s own art movement, the Hudson River School, we will display numerous works that recall the history of art through a contemporary lens.

Kevin Cook’s pieces are rich in tonalism and moving color palettes and will grace the walls with a display of his newest works in a subtle reworking of his tried and true style. The sumptuous colors and sweeping vistas of this beloved artist’s work recall the works of Whistler or Inness and remind us that there is always something more to a simple landscape and that this connection and spiritual tie can transcend not only the years but the miles.

Scott Thomas Balfe also paints evocative landscapes in the style of the 19th century Hudson River School. Paying close mind to authentic color palettes and techniques, his works recall such masters as Church and Durand, carefully executed with rich underpaintings and muted, almost ethereal tones comprising sweeping landscapes and breathtaking vistas. Spanning all sizes, his works will hang amongst Cook’s for a contemporary demonstration of how varied and different the styles can be, even when inspired by the same art movement.

Mireille Duchesne, the artist of many talents, will return with her classically styled still life works. These works carry the play of light and dark that became so popular in the Renaissance period when patrons of art had newfound freedom to enjoy art for arts sake and sought more secular items with which to decorate their homes. Similar to the later 18th century master of still-life, Chardin, her work contains intimate and atmospheric imagery that forges a perfect mix of darkness and light.

In her debut show at Windham Fine Arts, Tatiana Rhinevault brings with her oil paintings that seem inspired by the Impressionist movement of the 19th century and perhaps even Monet himself! The rich colors, loose lines and feeling-driven compositions allow us to feel as well as see, allowing for the interpretation of a moment, guided by the vivid colors and textural brushstrokes of the canvas.

On display from October through December, “A Step Back in Time” will take us on a visual tour through the centuries as well explore art movements from the 16th century through the 19th century, all interpreted by masterful artists working in the 21st century. Be sure to join us on November 16th from 5-7:30 for an opening reception to step back in time with us!