Ekaterina Khromin

When Ekaterina Khromin arrived in the United States in 1990, the New World influenced her in ways she would have never expected before; finally she was free to express herself. She developed her artistic language as she tried to express herself in the way her feelings would lead her in a conversation with the viewer;…

Ilona Sochynsky

Sochynsky’s style progresses from hyper-realism to abstraction. Her early paintings depict recognizable single images with shiny, industrial surfaces but over time, she reconstructs her original works as uniquely abstract pieces. Sochynsky acknowledges the inevitability of reflection as a developing artist, detailing the intense scrutiny and introspection. Her current works of art represent an attempt to…

John Greene

After spending 30 years on Wall Street, John Greene retired to pursue his life-long passion of expressing himself as a painter and constructing canvases with intense depth and texture– all is about texture and the process of creating. Greene’s reality is imagined, embedded with familiar materials, and extracted to become landscapes, images and vistas that…

J.M. Brodrick

J.M. Brodrick studied painting in her youth and received her first scholarship at the age of 13. Her grandmother, a professional artist from Helsinki Finland, was an important influence: “My Grandmother helped me connect with other artists and shaped me at an early age to express myself with painting.” In the 1977 she moved to Fairbanks…

Kevin Cook

Kevin Cook is an accomplished landscape painter whose style is strongly influenced by Hudson River School artists of the nineteenth century.  He was named a Painting Fellow by New York Foundation for the arts, and has subsequently been invited to serve on NYFA’s Artist’s Advisory Committee.  He is a Guest Educator at the Samuel Dorsky…

Kim Do

Kim Do is a New York artist, focused on an observational, painterly connection to the earth, water and sky. Trained in the modernist tradition, Do incorporates abstract expressionism, interaction of color, figure and ground exchange, and a keen awareness of space in his paintings. Do paints with a full range of tones, taking the eye up,…

Mara Lehmann

“Nature is all inspiring,” according to artist Mara Lehmann. “To be in the country, among the mountains, trees, and blue sky is magnificent. It’s the beauty before me that I try to capture. Nature is my source of inspiration.” She refers to the Catskills as “a kind of holy ground for artists,” and says that…

Maya Farber

While Maya Farber always loved to sketch and draw, it was her teachers who discovered her talent and encouraged her to pursue art. Born in Romania, Farber spent many years in Nicaragua. At 18, she began her studies at Pratt Institute and continued at Hunter College, Hans Goffman School, and the Art Students League with…

Nancy Previs

Artist/print-maker Nancy Previs has been recording nature’s forms, textures and tones for many years. Fascinated by subtleties in light and color, she is inspired by nature’s ability to generate beauty from what seem spontaneous and random processes. To create her multi-plate intaglio prints, she uses consciously sustainable techniques, mainly aluminum and solarplate etching, along with…

Olive Farrell

Olive Farrell grew up in Kilkenny, Ireland – a place of wild beauty where her aesthetics for art and nature developed. Known for her landscapes and brilliant abstracts, Farrell is an avid “Plein Air” painter, capturing art on location among pastures, farm equipment and bends in the road. She draws much of her visual stimulation…